문자열 매칭 연습하기위해 kmp사용했고 사실 그냥 패턴을 기준으로 split하거나 replace로 변경시켜주면 더 쉽다.
import sys
sys.stdin = open('input.txt')
def make_failure_function(p):
failure_function = [0] * (len(pa))
counter = 0
for idx in range(1, len(p)):
while counter > 0 and p[counter] != p[idx]:
counter = failure_function[counter-1]
if p[counter] == p[idx]:
counter += 1
failure_function[idx] = counter
return failure_function
def kmp_matching(s, p, p_table):
counter = 0
idx = 0
fin_idx = len(s)
cnt = 0
while idx < fin_idx:
while counter > 0 and s[idx] != p[counter]:
counter = p_table[counter-1]
if s[idx] == p[counter]:
if counter == len(p) - 1:
cnt += 1
counter = 0
counter += 1
idx += 1
return cnt
def fast_typing(st, pa):
failure_table = make_failure_function(pa)
pattern_matching_cnt = kmp_matching(st, pa, failure_table)
answer = len(st) - pattern_matching_cnt*(len(pa)-1)
return answer
for test in range(1, int(input())+1):
string, pa = input().split()
print(f'#{test} {fast_typing(string, pa)}')
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